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Applying the Ancient Wisdom of Asia on a International Level

Yun Han Lin

1)   As the birthplace of a great number of the world's sages, it is time that Asia built an institution of the human philosophy and essential cultures. In the new world order, Asia, as the cradle of a great numbers of world¡¦s sages, now has the great chance to step forward and lead the world to head in this direction.


The world is facing mounting challenges in the new century. There is no comparison the challenges posed to the world in 1913 and today in 2013. As the peoples of the world enjoy the benefits of rapid development of human material civilization, a lot of problems have cropped up. Modern civilizations are facing the plights arising from the families, rivalry among religions, the arms race and the nuclear age, the stock market, information technology, impulse for suicide and blind will, the genes, damaged Mother Nature, pollutions, social insecurity, all posing serious threats to human survival and the progress of civilizations.


Governments and people from all walks of life are increasingly concerned about a series of questions. Should human beings be complacent with its status quo and solve all the problems mentioned above with what it possesses? At what level should the highest standards of human values be established? What must be done to achieve step by step the highest standards values ​​and ideals the human beings have been yearning for? How should we learn to respect and understand, and attempt to accept, advocate and call for building the world into a harmonious civilized family while respecting the multi-culturalism?


It is the responsibility of each and every human being to care for societies, nationalities, mankind, cultures, and with collective efforts, to reclaim the inherent integrity, fairness and higher moral values.


In today¡¦s material-based world, one can hardly identify a correct outlook on life. A general standard for good outlook on life and values is one that is achievable and widely desirable, the lack of which proves that the civilization is in chaos. Case in point the increasingly tumultuous world order with more and more conflicts, resulting in bloodshed and loss of unaccounted innocent lives. One must care for and review the societies, nationalities, mankind, cultures, and in this course, reclaim the inherent integrity, fairness and morals.


Basic principles and teachings of all Asia holy sages is ¡§truthfulness¡¨. A society must be led by truth and wisdom. Knowledge, thinking and perception that are not compatible with human existence are doomed to fail if used to govern a society.


According to the conventional wisdom, ¡§Only the sincere people can give full play to his nature. The full play of the nature of the individuals will lead to the full play of the nature of the crowd. The full play of the nature of the crowd will give rise to the full play of the nature of all things. The full play of the nature of all things can help the heaven and earth nurture life. The ability to help the heaven and earth nurture life will make Man on a par with the heaven and earth.¡¨ This means that the peoples of the world should have self-consciousness and self-sincerity, and arouse consciousness of others and be sincere to others, achieve harmony and unity among the cultures in the world, and to benefit others and not to injure, and to act but not compete¡Xa harmonious and peaceful world.


The essence of Oriental culture lies in Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism whose doctrines have one thing in common, that is, starting from Man itself, to find out the meaning of human existence and reclaim human nature and virtues with which to influence and change people around them. This will eventually prove to be the only way out for mankind.  


2)   Int¡¦l Organization should be the pioneer to research, develop and apply the wisdom of the Rishis, Saints and Sages for the Renaissance of Asia Essence of Human Civilization

For Asia to lead the world, it must not fully rely on the Western values and paradigms. For a region be strong and permanently stable, it should not only possess tangible things, but more importantly, the invisible but ubiquitous things, which is cultural influence, or soft power. The rise of a region should be accompanied by economic development and cultural prosperity.


Asian civilization is centered on the culture. Along the history, it is safe to say that people of ancient times possessed higher moral values and did not need special advocate for the benevolence. With time, morals began to decay. The benevolence fails along with the fallen morals. Reluctantly, the sages shouted ¡§righteousness¡¨ to correct the increasing improper behaviors of the masses.


Our present age is based and built on material civilization. From the perspective of culture, there is no progress for human beings, only mental degeneration. Elements such as advancement of technology and rapid global economic growth have brought all forms of comfort mankind could imagine, from the spiritual point of view, it is the most painful time because the people are living in competition with each other and the level of animosity is far higher than ever before. We blindly think we can go beyond the wisdoms and traditions of the ancient times and ignore the educational sources that countless sages have created and inherited throughout thousands of years.


In his remarks to the General Assembly after being elected for a second term, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pledged his resolve to uphold the fundamental principles of the sacred Charter of the United Nations, strengthen partnerships, work together to address global challenges, and help the United Nations better serve ¡§we the peoples¡¨ of the world . He quoted the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, ¡§The Way of heaven is to benefit others and not to injure. The Way of the sage is to act but not compete.¡¨ He stressed that this immortal wisdom should be applied to work today, to help achieve coherence in actions among the competing ways of thinking.


it is necessary to establish a platform, a historical project, International Alliance essence Park of Human Civilization, in order to recall, record and recycle the traditions and cultures of the ancient times, carry forward these ancient ways and utilize wisely for the future well-being of mankind. On the one hand, we start for the revival of the inherent Eastern-Western cultural essence, learn from each other¡¦s strong points to offset one's weakness. On the other hand, we should further seek the fusion of the Eastern-Western cultures, in order to close the gap and create better understanding to reduce the chances of wider conflicts among civilizations which pose direct threat to the survival of the humankind.


Secondly, cultural development needs to go hand in hand with the economic development. Economic investment should not be for the sole purpose of economic growth, but also to support and supplement the cultural resurgence. Once a strong cultural spirit is created, the fabrics of the society can absorb the essence of all the cultures, ancient and contemporary, Asian and non-Asian, develop quality education based on rationality and propriety. Through self-consciousness and practice of virtue, everyone lives a happy life free from woes and worries with high moral standards. The project should have a strong and irreversible public private partnership.


Thirdly, to be successful, strong support from the local government and regional partners are essential. All types of traditional cultural and educational institutes are emerging one after another. A hundred schools of thought contend for the attention and acceptance. Therefore, just to have a wonderful concept is not enough. Strong support from the local Government, regional partners and the relevant international organization is crucial.


This project could be gradually expanded through the platform of International Organizations such as the United Nations, Regional Organizations such as ASEAN (ASEAN10 +3), Educational Institutions and like-minded countries in the Asian continent.


In this increasingly interconnected world, to establish educational and cultural institutions to focus only on the host country and to an extent the neighboring areas is no longer enough. It should aim to become an entity of an international nature.
















